Our Clients

Clients Clients Website Clients Privacy Policy
Archant Community Media Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Gallagher (Arthur J Gallagher & Co) Website Link Privacy Policy
Legal Ventures Ltd trading as Air Travel Claim Website Link Privacy Policy
Legal Ventures trading as Claims Advisory Services Website Link Privacy Policy
Lego Website Link Privacy Policy
McCarthy & Stone (Developments) Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Mercedes-Benz Cars UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Mercedes-Benz Retail Group UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Mercedes-Benz Trucks UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Mercedes-Benz Vans UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Newmarket Holidays Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
RH LONDON GALLERY LIMITED t/a Restoration Hardware Website Link Privacy Policy
Samsung Electronics (UK) Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Sky UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Tailsco Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Tapi Carpets & Floors Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Victor Hydon Ltd trading as Your Claim Matters Website Link Privacy Policy

Data partners we work with have collected data that may be applied to support advertising campaigns or brands that we or our clients support in the following areas:

Service Providers

Service Providers Service Providers Website Service Providers Privacy Policy
Acxiom Website Link Privacy Policy
Audience Serv Website Link Privacy Policy
Aura Media Group Website Link Privacy Policy
BlueVolt Marketing Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
CACI Website Link Privacy Policy
C-Centric Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Creative Flow Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Data Enhancement Solutions Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Data OD Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
DBS Data Marketing Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Experian Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Greenstone Data Solutions Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Kinesso Website Link Privacy Policy
Latch Media Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
LiveRamp UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
Lloyd James Media Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Lead 365 Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Potential D Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Results Generation Group LLC Website Link Privacy Policy
Sagacity Solutions Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
Sky UK Limited Website Link Privacy Policy
The Data Partnership Ltd t/a TDP Agency Website Link Privacy Policy
Twenty Ci Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
USM LTD Website Link Privacy Policy
Webalytix Ltd Website Link Privacy Policy
We Breathe Media LTD Website Link Privacy Policy

Under strict licence terms we may share partner data on behalf of our data partners with the Service Providers listed above.

They may use it in the following ways:

This may mean that you receive advertising from some of the organisations listed below that is more relevant to you via direct mail, email or when you visit a website, mobile app or watch TV. The Service Providers will not however advertise their own products or services to you.

The Service Providers we work with are limited to only those organisations who we have completed checks on and who will process personal data in compliance with all laws, regulations and guidance with regard to data protection.

How We Process Data

Purpose of data processing

Mdeg is a media agency specialising in the careful management and centralisation of consumer database access in order to support efficient planning and fulfilment of one to one direct marketing campaigns. Mdeg works with a number of partners who themselves collect the data we hold. All data is owned by the contributing source partner through which the data was originally collected, and any partner can choose to withdraw access to it at any time. Marketing agencies and advertisers use us when they wish to rent data on defined and controlled usage terms for specific campaigns without having to go to multiple different sources. All partners are declared to advertising partners to enable source audit.

The core areas we support are:

We ensure the following:

Use of Email

Lawful basis for processing: consent

If you give permission to be contacted by advertisers via email, Mdeg might help identify relevant advertisers and support the email communication to you. Mdeg does not ever sell this information outright to any advertiser. Any email you might receive will always be sent on behalf of the source to whom you have given your consent to be contacted by and will always be identified as having originated from said source you have consented with. This approach is described as a 'host emailing' where the 'sender' represents the holder of your consent for such communications. Any email received will be clearly identified as having originated from the original data controller. Their details will also always be provided – name, address, telephone number.

Use of Postal data

Lawful basis for processing: Legitimate interests

If you give permission for advertisers to contact you by post we may make your postal address available for them to do so, governed by strict usage terms and monitoring tools, and provided you have not registered with the MPS

Use of telephone data

Lawful basis for processing: Legitimate interests

If you give permission for advertisers to contact you by phone, we may make your number available for them to do so, governed by strict usage terms and monitoring tools, and provided you have not registered with the TPS.

Use of linkage

Lawful basis for processing: Legitimate interests

Data can be used for linkage purposes - linking offline data with online IDs for targeting and identity resolution purposes. Third party clients, such as third parties operating in the marketing technology sector, can associate information they have collected about you with certain identifiers linking personal data with cookies and mobile IDs helping marketers to deliver a more personalised and appropriate service. The types of data that can be used for linkage purposes will include name, postal address, phone number and email address.

If you would like to unsubscribe from your data being used from any of the above services and from the Mdeg database, please click here or sent an email to compliance@mdeg.co.uk

Sector Advertisers

Data partners we work with have collected data that may be applied to support advertising campaigns or brands that we or our clients support in the following areas:

Service Providers

Under strict licence terms we may share partner data on behalf of our data partners with the Service Providers listed below. They may use it in the following ways:

This may mean that you receive advertising from some of the organisations listed below that is more relevant to you via direct mail, email or when you visit a website, mobile app or watch TV. The Service Providers will not however advertise their own products or services to you

The Service Providers we work with are limited to only those organisations who we have completed checks on and who will process personal data in compliance with all laws, regulations and guidance with regard to data protection.

Sensitive Data

Mdeg does not process any of the following data:

Your rights in controlling how we use your data

Under data protection law you have rights regarding how we process your data. Please use the contact details at the beginning of this policy to exercise any of the rights below:

Your right of access

You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information. This right always applies. There are some exemptions, which means you may not always receive all the information we process. You can read more about this right here.

Your right to rectification

You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete. This right always applies. You can read more about this right here.

Your right to erasure

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances. You can read more about this right here. 

Your right to restriction of processing

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances. You can read more about this right here.

Your right to object to processing

You have the right to object to processing if we are able to process your information because the process forms part of our public tasks, or is in our legitimate interests. You can read more about this right here. 

Your right to data portability

This only applies to information you have given us. You have the right to ask that we transfer the information you gave us from one organisation to another, or give it to you. You can read more about this right here.

You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. We have one month to respond to you.

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office whose address is Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Retention period

Mdeg will hold all data until such a point as media partners wish to withdraw their data from the service environment provided. This may result as a consequence of any data processing agreement expiring, management contract being not being renewed or conditions mandated by our retention policy taking effect. At such a time an appropriate data destruction certificate is issued confirming the deletion of all previously held data from Mdeg systems.


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Your data is encrypted and never shared.
You can read our privacy policy here

Contact Us

Mdeg Ltd
63-66 Hatton Garden,
Fifth Floor,

Telephone: +44 (0) 207 438 2069
Email: mc@mdeg.co.uk